A very rare Christian Arabic Dinar
Los 3388
CRUSADERS. Christian Arabic Dinars. Dinar (Gold, 20 mm, 3.00 g, 11 h), ʿAkka (Acre), date off flan (1250s). Within a central circle, ‘ilāh / wāḥid’ (‘One Divinity’ in Arabic); in the inner margin, a cross at the top and ‘al-ab wa al-ibn wa al-rūḥ al-qudus’ (‘The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit’ in Arabic); in the outer margin, a cross at the top and the mint and date formula in Arabic of which only ‘ḍuriba bi ʿAkkā’ (‘Struck in ʿAkka’) is legible. Rev. A large cross pattée within a central circle; the outer margin almost totally off flan, ‘[naftakhir bi ṣal]īb rabbinā Yasūʿ al-Ma[sīḥ alladhī bihī] salāmatunā [wa taḥīyyatunā]’, continued in the inner margin after a cross at the top, ‘wa qiyāmatunā wa bihī takhallaṣnā wa ʿafaynā’ (‘We take pride in the cross of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, through which is our safety and life and our resurrection, and through which he saved us and pardoned us’ in Arabic). Balog & Yvon 40. Very rare. Light doubling and with minor areas of weakness, otherwise, very fine.
250 CHF
3400 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 15-Jul-24, 20:14:30 CEST
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